Registered Charity No. 274900


Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 30th May 2023 at Rushmere Golf Club commencing at 6.30pm




Mike Gilson (Chairman)

Alison Pledger (Vice Chairperson)

Diane Grayston

Kev Driver

John Adams

Mike Shields


Also present

Chris Kendall (Clerk)

Bob Gosden (Warden)


Apologies were received from Ray Whymark and these were accepted.


  1. Minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 28th March 2023



  1. Matters arising from the meeting held on Tuesday 28th March 2023

            Dog bin near Humber Doucy LaneMike still ongoing.

            Overalls for GLTBob has now heard from the new co-ordinator, on one occasion, but they have not mentioned the overalls.

            Risk Assessment –  Mike S is making progress with this and will complete it as soon as possible.

            City Fibre – Chris has heard from our solicitors and will report later in the meeting.

            Fundraising – We received the £233 grant from Ipswich Borough Council.  Kev is going to apply for other funds but is still awaiting contact/input from GLT, regarding the work they can do, before filling out the application forms. 

            Phone for warden/ what3words – Kev has obtained a phone on which the   what3words app can be used. Chris to order a charger and sim card for the phone and then it can be given to Bob.  Chris is still working on the what3words for each bin on the common.  Chris will purchase a Dymo machine to produce stickers and then attach a sticker to each bin so that it will be easier for users of the common to report locations in future.      

            Police letter to Chief ConstableChris has received a reply from Suffolk Constabulary and she will report back at the next meeting.

            37 Tasmania Rd – the resident has raised the question of the second row of trees to the side of the property being cut back or cut down.  Chris has informed the resident that as the trees have been inspected by a tree surgeon and the Forestry Commission and as they do not pose any danger we will not be doing any work on them. The impact on the environment of cutting these trees would also be too great. Chris has received a further communication from the resident who is unhappy with the outcome of his request. Chris to respond that we have to take professional advice, on such matters, which now includes the Fire Service, and that we are still unable to comply with his request.

            RGC meeting -  has now taken place.

            City Fibre – to be discussed later.

            Online banking – to be discussed later.


  1. Management of the common

            Cut ‘N’ Clear It – Kev reported that they have done 5 days work this financial year. Kev will request that they cut alongside the Little Heath on Playford Rd. The Trafalgar Walk has all been done.  There is some work to be done following our  meeting with the Fire Service and this is detailed under Fire Safety. Kev will add this to the Management Plan.

            Kev will also meet with David, RGC, soon to discuss the situations at both the 14th  and 11th.

            Saplings/pond – this will be dealt with in the autumn.

            Gorse management - Kev advised that James from Greenways will be able to give us some advice on gorse management.

            56 Blackdown Ave. - the resident reported that a tree on the common is damaging her fence. Tom has looked and it will cost £120.00 and the trustees have  agreed to pay for this work. Chris to advise the resident and Tom.

            Ditchingham Grove entrance – a resident queried the maintenance of the path but this is not our land so Chris to advise the resident to contact Rushmere Parish Council.


  1. Heath Warden’s Report

            Dead muntjac deer – Bob found a dead deer in the dead-hedging near the pond   and dealt with it.

            Dumped tyres –2 tyres were spotted near 8th and Bob reported this to Cambell, RGC course manager.

            Fires – RGC have been advised to report any fires or other police matters to the police.

            ASB – Bob reported that anti-social behaviour is on the increase.

            Snake spotted – there was a snake, probably a grass snake, spotted on the 12th green and this was gently moved to the side, during a golf tournament.


  1. Golf Club Matters

Greenkeepers pay for emptying dog bins – this pay relates to a historic agreement between RCC and RGC when it was agreed that RCC would pay the greenkeepers for emptying the bins and that from time to time RGC would help us by adding water to the pond and assist with a few other things.  The greenkeepers have requested a rise, so the trustees have agreed to increase the pay from £1250 per annum each, which is £3750, to £1350 each per annum, which will be £4050. Chris to advise RGC accordingly.

Meeting held with RGC – we are aware that the Course Manager, Cambell, is to leave the club shortly so we will invite his replacement to a meeting as soon as possible after their appointment.

Sharing management plans – we agreed to share plans between the two groups. This should take place at the first scheduled liaison meeting. This meeting was due to take place on 06/07/23 but Chris is to ask about rescheduling this meeting to 10/07/23 to enable Mike G to attend.


  1. The Green Light Trust

They are now working on the 2nd.


  1. Cycling and Walking Strategy

            SCC are looking into widening the path that runs alongside the Little Heath but it is uncertain as  to who owns the land to be used there.  We will await SCC coming back to us with this information.

            SUSTRANS, who are a charity who work on providing cycleways all over the country, are suggesting various other options but we await further contact from them too.


  1. City Fibre

            We have received advice from our solicitors regarding the setting up of a wayleave to enable City Fibre to lay cables etc. on our land at Linksfield and along Woodbridge Rd. We could charge a ‘peppercorn’ rent but City Fibre would be         required to pay our solicitor’s fees for drawing up the documents.  As City Fibre do not wish to pay for this they have decided not to proceed with those areas.


  1. Fire Safety

            Mike S, Alison and Chris met with a fire officer, Matt Hassey, on the common. He explained that their main priority is life and property. Access is known by the fire crews who attend the common and he felt that there was not a lot of concern to the fire service.  Some of the smaller paths can be widened to allow fire personal access. Two particular areas that can be improved are the small amount of gorse along Linksfield between the fire break and the track and Tasmania Rd again clearing gorse from the residents’ side of the undergrowth. Matt offered to arrange visits to residents living on Linksfield to give advice regarding fire safety, if that is something that we would welcome.  The trustees agreed that this is a good idea   and so Chris to request them to start that liaison and with all residents who live on the boundaries if that is possible.  


  1.  Pest control

            At the meeting with RGC, they requested that the rabbits be controlled.  Chris has been looking into this and will chase a supplier for their quote.


  1. Finance report

            Chris produced a finance report with budget figures and these forecast figures were discussed.  The trustees felt that as things stand the estimates were fair. 

The trustees agreed that we should look into online banking, and asked Chris to look into this.


  1. Any other business

            Mike G – said that he had had the opportunity to attend a Rushmere Parish Council meeting and that this had allowed him to talk about the history of the common and what we do.

LRMG – are still trying to obtain some certificated planings to use on the Linksfield track, as agreed.

Dog bags – Kev has looked into other options for obtaining bags, as our current supplier has been unable to deliver for some time now. Kev will look at the bags in Pets at Home and provide feedback.


  1. Date of next meeting

Already agreed as Tuesday 6th June 2023, at RGC, commencing at 6.30pm.




Meeting ended at 8.45pm.


Mrs Chris Kendall

Clerk to Rushmere Commoners